We love our 39' Beneteau Oceanis 393 Sailing Vessel, City Dogs, she's gorgeous, sporty and streamlined, but she's a 2002, which strange enough as it might seem, was actually eighteen years ago, which means her outside is a bit nicked up here and there. Just the way boat life goes, but there were many little areas we wanted addressed so finally the time aligned right and we had the whole topside, all the nonstick surface on the deck from the bow to the swimming platform and everything in between done by a couple of talented local guys (Andrew and Allen).

Andrew does fantastic fiberglass work. Together with Allen they can do in a couple days what it would take us weeks to do and with the island of Roatan still closed down with most so-called nonessential businesses closed, it's good to be able to delegate some extra work their way in these trying times.

Steve tried to use one of the quick fix white gel solutions to fix the many small chips in the fiberglass all over the cockpit, it took a while and it looked kind of okay for a second, but these quick fixes invariably failed. This work isn't going to fade.

It's nice to have a nice, consistent look across the deck, giving City Dogs a shine she hasn't had since the early 2000s!

Anyway, we think City Dogs looks great! Of course, we're a bit biased. We're like parents with their not always the prettiest kids, dog owners with their ugly dogs, cat people with their feral cats, everyone thinks theirs is the prettiest, the cutest, the most handsome, etc.

The one thing we need now is to find a replacement for the faded Beneteau letters on the side, they're fading and now look even worse. Should we get the metallic letters, repaint them, should we leave it the way it is, since it lends character as the Captain says? Let us know in the comments!