Sometimes, you gotta go where the diving's good. On Roatan, in the Western Caribbean, surrounded by the MesoAmerican barrier reef, that's usually just around the corner.

When it's blowing on the east end of the island and we can't shore dive from Parrot Tree, we go to West End and go diving with our friends over at Splash Inn. It's been years since we did our Advanced Open Water PADI certification with them, but we love diving with them!

Today, we started with Hole in the Wall, a site we've both been wanting to do for some time, but which we've refrained from attempting on our own due to the somewhat intricate topography that makes the dive site unique.

It was a great dive. Our guide showed us how to do the Hole in the Wall dive site right, dropping us off outside and taking us through a really nice series of swimthroughs and canyons full of delightful sights.
It was a blast! Lots of fun. A very unique, distinctive dive.

The top reef was in amazing shape all over, full of loads of diverse marine life.

We did Turtle Crossing on the second dive, an always solid, amazing dive full of great encounters with hawksbill and green turtles. Hard to complain!
We also saw a couple of bridled burrfish (not pictured).

And we saw some amazing, vibrant, lively coral.

It's nice to see the reef recovering after the long, hot summer.

We had a great time diving in the West End area of Roatan. Our guides at Splash Inn did a great job showing us a great time.

Tomorrow we've got to clean up and get ready for a couple of charters.

It's nice to just fun dive sometimes, worrying about nothing more than having a good time and following the DM.

Come Sailing with Us! Or Diving with Us. Or both. We're flexible :-)