One thing you have to love about Covid Times is just how fluid governments are in responding to the crisis. The Honduran national authority announce airports are opening back up, today was supposed to be the day that the airport opened up internally, but the local authorities on Roatan insist they need more time. Another seven days, specifically, in order to get ready for the resumption of international flights. So the airport on Roatan isn't opening today, but rather in another week. Maybe. And everyone who comes to the Bay Islands will have to get a negative PCR test result.

We're not quite sure what another week is going to do, they've had almost 150 days to prepare for this reopening. Hopefully this means they will get the opening right and they won't have to close down. Even if they do end up opening the airports next week, the "number system" is still in play, meaning anyone visiting the island would be confined to their hotel or residence for all but 1 day every two weeks. Think wearing a mask is bad? Try not leaving the house for two weeks and getting your car impounded by the police if you're driving without permission and it's not your day.

We're not sure how you can visit a country and not circulate. It doesn't seem to make much sense to us, sure there are some all-inclusive resorts on the island, but part of what makes Roatan (and all the Bay Islands of Utila, Guanaja and Cayos Cochinos) special are all the unique, different little parts of them. But what do we know? We're just a couple of kids with a couple cute little doggies, a boat and a dream.