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Fantasy Island & Trip Advisor

We finally got our Trip Advisor business listing for City Dogs Sailing approved! It took some time to get the correct details sorted out for them to publish our page-- but we're officially live now and accepting reviews and pictures! Head on over there and check it out and leave a comment if that's something that you do!

We're also looking into some neat advertising options here on the island like getting on the official tourist map and getting ads in some of the local hotel menus -- because like Henry Ford says a man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops a clock to save time -- but nothing beats pressing the flesh and good old-fashioned jawing. Thankfully Andrea has that covered so we're doing a great job of getting the word out about our sailing business!

We had a great trip out sailing yesterday, we cruised down from Parrot Tree Plantation to around Brick Bay making good time with both sails up, then turned around and put the anchor down near Fantasy Island -- home to some of the best snorkeling on the island. The water was an utterly gorgeous shade of aquamarine, completely see-through to the bottom and the top reef was pulsing with life. Since it's a designated no fishing area (complete with a sign advising on a $5,000 lempira fine) there were a ton of lobsters, shrimp and fish down there that were completely unafraid of people.

But the best part of it for me was when we ran into a Carribean Reef Squid. I've had the pleasure of seeing a whole school of like 18 of these little guys at the top of the Black Coral Wall dive site in Utila when we were doing our DiveMaster training-- this was just a lone little wee one -- but the experience was amazing just the same. Of course, I didn't have the GoPro with me, I left it in the cockpit, but here's a sweet video of the Squid Party from back in June. (BTW, who knew a group of squid was known as shoal - or worse -- squids - or that there was a debate about what to call them?)

Carribean Reef Squid are such unique, beautiful, graceful creatures -- like something from another planet or dimension. At the time, we ran into the one yesterday, I remember thinking how cool it was -- not just that I was having this really sweet experience with some really cool peope -- but that I was getting paid to do it!

We can't always promise Squid -- or even good sailing weather -- but we can promise we're going to do our very best to make sure everyone has a great time on board CIty Dogs.

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