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More pics of our Beneteau Oceanis 393

Part of the joy of owning a new to you gorgeous sailing vessel (like an amazing automobile, motorcycle or airplane) is in sharing her with other people. Family, friends, acquaintances of all kinds, people we've just met, literally everyone is welcome on our boat. That's why our mission statement at City Dogs Sailing is primarily an invitation -- Come Sail With Us --because we want to share our experiences with everyone.

There are certainly challenges ahead, the road less traveled (to quote a well known Robert Frost poem) being as far from a comfort zone as one can possibly find -- and there are sure to be countless good, amazing, unexpected experiences ahead and we will continue to share all of them with you.

Just picture yourself sitting here with us, kicking back and relaxing in style with a beverage of choice as the serene sea slides by on both sides.

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